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199 bc造句

"199 bc"是什么意思  
  • In 199 BC he was elected censor with Africanus himself.
  • In 199 BC however, Pelops was assassinated by Nabis, who assumed the throne.
  • He became consul in 199 BC and went to Macedon to take over the command after Publius Sulpicius Galba Maximus.
  • By 199 BC, the Romans had inflicted some minor defeats on the Macedonians and had also recruited the Aetolian and Achaean Leagues to their side.
  • In 199 BC the praetor " Gaius Sergius " was given the task of organising the distribution of land to the soldiers who had served for many years in Sicily, and Sardinia and Hispania.
  • "' Heracleides "'( fl . 212-199 BC ) was an ancient Greek architect from Tarentum in Magna Graecia who later served as a counselor and military commander under king Philip V of Macedon.
  • In the spring of 199 BC, Sulpicius Galba advanced with his army through the lands of the Dassaretii, where all the towns and villages along his route surrendered to him, with only a few being taken by force.
  • Once more Antiochus attacked the Ptolemaic province of Coele Syria and Phoenicia, and by 199 BC he seems to have had possession of it before the Aetolian leader Jordan, a battle which marks the end of Ptolemaic rule in Judea.
  • Parts of it were sold in 205 BC and 199 BC, another part was divided among the citizens of the new colonies of Volturnum and Liternum, established near the coast in 194 BC, but the greater portion of it was reserved to be let by the state.
  • Also in 199 BC, the people of the city of Gades ( Cadiz ) in Hispania asked that no prefect should be sent to their town and this was granted ( in 206 BC the Romans had concluded a treaty with Gades in which it was agreed that a Roman centurion was to act as Roman prefect in the town ).
  • It's difficult to see 199 bc in a sentence. 用199 bc造句挺难的
  • But by these and other such measures he rendered Philip so obnoxious to his subjects, that the king at length found himself obliged to yield to the popular clamour, displaced Heracleides, whom he had not long before employed in the command of his fleet, and threw him into prison, in the year 199 BC . Whether he was subsequently put to death we are not informed.
  • The question of the replacement for Acidinus was put to the assembly of the people in 200 BC . " Gnaeus Cornelius Blasio " and " Lucius Titus Stertinius " were chosen and were sent to Hispania in 199 BC . Acidinus returned to Rome in 199 BC . The idea of having only one man in charge in Hispania might have been connected with the fact that Hannibal had been defeated the year before and with the end of the Second Punic War there was a need to demobilise the Roman armies ( particularly in Italy ) and discharge the veterans.
  • The question of the replacement for Acidinus was put to the assembly of the people in 200 BC . " Gnaeus Cornelius Blasio " and " Lucius Titus Stertinius " were chosen and were sent to Hispania in 199 BC . Acidinus returned to Rome in 199 BC . The idea of having only one man in charge in Hispania might have been connected with the fact that Hannibal had been defeated the year before and with the end of the Second Punic War there was a need to demobilise the Roman armies ( particularly in Italy ) and discharge the veterans.
  • Thus in 269 BC, the female priestly office of " basket bearer " ( " kanph髍os " ) for the " Sibling Goddess " ( " Thea Adelphos " ) Arsinoe II was established, followed in 211 BC by the " prize bearer " priestess ( " athlophoros " ) in honour of the " Benefactor Goddess " ( " Thea Euergetis " ) Berenice II, and in 199 BC by a priestess for the " Father-Loving Goddess " ( " Thea PhilopatMr " ) Arsinoe III . All these priesthoods were subordinate to the priest of Alexander.
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